Listen to our principal optometrist Mr Alex Petty discuss controlling short-sightedness in children with overnight Ortho-K contact lenses. (from NZ Herald)
Insight Magazine profiles our principal optometrist Mr Alex Petty
Read this optometry industry magazine article about our founder and principal optometrist Mr Alex Petty; including his career, the events that led him to create the Bay Eye Care clinic in Tauranga, and the way we do things differently to other traditional optometry practices.

Alex Petty interview on his approach to myopia management in children.
Our optometrist Mr Alex Petty, was recently interviewed by industry magazine NZ Optics about his passion for the management of myopia in NZ children. Read the full article here to learn more! article on myopia featuring Bay Eye Care optometrist Mr Alex Petty
Check out the recent article featuring Bay Eye Care optometrist Mr Alex Petty on
Alex talks about the eye condition myopia that affect NZ children, what can cause the condition, and the possible long term consequences of high myopia.
Alex helped set up the NZ Myopia Action Group in 2018, a team of professionals in NZ committed to improving myopia management for New Zealanders.

Article in The Weekend Sun March 2018
Read about Bay Eye Care's success during our first year in operation.
Read Alex's blog on myopia in the international website
Alex discusses about his own problems with myopia and what can be done by optometrists with overnight Orthokeratology contact lenses to control this disease in children.
Article from Bay Eye Care on Children's Vision: Focus Magazine June 2017
Our optometrist Mr Alex Petty discusses the importance of ensuring children are seeing the their best for learning and future eye health.
BOP Business News May/June 2017
An article talking about the specialty treatments on offer at Bay Eye Care

Dry Eye Treatments are discussed in the Weekend Sun June 2017
Alex discusses the most common cause of dry eye and what treatment's a specialty optometry practice like Bay Eye Care can provide to treat this condition.

Ortho-K Myopia Control Story in the Weekend Sun 5 May 2017
The Weekend Sun carried a story in May about the myopia control treatments we use to slow myopia in kiwi kids.

Bay Eye Care optometrist Mr Alex Petty chairs the first BOP educational forum for eye car professionals
NZ Optics ran a story in July 2017 about the inaugural BOP eye care education evening, hosted by Bay Eye Care optometrist Mr Alex Petty. This evening runs every three months to keep optometrists in the Bay of Plenty updated with the latest management options to help their patients.

NZ Optics article about Bay Eye Care opening in Tauranga
NZ industry magazine had a special segment advising the NZ ophthalmic community about our unique practice Bay Eye Care opening recently.